Jennospot 82
– Votes fer
Terday Oi'm goin' ter tell yew a little bit
about a real famous lady. Fact is, Oi don't reckon as 'ow there's any lady more
famous than wot she is, but o' course yew don't 'ave ter agree wiv me if'n yew
don't want; that's up ter yew. Any'ow yew've prob'ly guessed already 'oo it is:
Mrs Emmeline Pankhurst!
O' corse
she weren't called Pankhurst when she was born at Manchester in 1858, 'cos 'er
fam'ly name were Goulden. She become Mrs Pankhurst when she got married in 1879
ter Richard Marsden Pankhurst wot were a lawyer. 'Ee must've been a roight
sympathetic sort o' man, 'cos it were 'im wot wrote the the first woman
suffrage bill around 1865 (wot didn't 'ave much luck) an' later on, the Married
Women's Property acts, wot did.
Any'ow, around 1890, Emmeline set up the
Women's Franchise League (a bit loike wot Oi did wiv the "Go-Getter
Girls" in "Gang Loyalty", wot didn't 'ave a whole lot o' luck
neither) but Emmeline 'ad some luck 'cos er League got the roight fer women ter
vote in local elections, but not fer the House of Commons.
Oi reckon
'as 'ow this encouraged 'er ter go on wiv 'er idea, 'cos in 1903, she founded
the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) wot got inter trouble two years
later when a couple of its members got chucked outta a meetin' o' the Liberal
party (wot is more loike the Conservatives terday) fer demandin' a resolution
about votes fer women. Fings got worse outside, 'cos it seems they got arrested
fer assaultin' the police. When they refused ter pay fines, they was put inter
prison. This weren't good fer them, but it were real good fer WSPU publicity.
From then
on, Emmeline really got 'er dander up compaignin' agaist the Liberals 'cos 'er
followers started ter go out o' their way ter interrupt meetin's o' cabinet
ministers. Cripes, then Emmeline 'erself got arrested and jailed fer
distributin' a leaflet callin' on people ter "rush the House o'
Commons". Cripes, did that ever start a barney! It turned inter somefink
loike a war (wot we also 'ad in Widdlin'ton wiv our "Gang Warfare")
until she declared a "truce" wiv the introduction of a
"conciliation" bill on women's suffrage. But the truce didn't last
long 'cos the government blocked the bill. An' did that ever set fings off…!
become loike a nest o' wasps wot yew've poked wiv a stick (wot Oi don't
recommend yew do). The members started settin' fire ter fings, chainin'
themselves up an' doin' ovver such shockin' acts. Mrs Pankhurst got 'erself
sent ter prison again, where she refused ter eat. They would let 'er go out fer
a while, so as she could eat an build up 'er strength, but just as she were a
bit better, they arrested 'er again an' put 'er back in a cell. They did this
twelve times in a year. Cripes, can yew imagine…! Not only that, but ovvers of
'er followers got themselves jailed an' all.
then come the First World War in 1914. So, wiv this foreign threat to the
nation, Emmeline called off the suffrage campaign, an' the government released
all the suffragette prisoners.
Emmeline Pankhurst didn't never get elected ter Parliament, she very nearly got
in at the finish. There's a statue of 'er in Victoria Towers Gardens. Yew c'n
go an' see 'er if'n yew loike. She stands roight up against the railin's o' the
Houses o' Parliament. Yeah, real close. Oi still reckon 'as 'ow there ain't no
lady wot is more worthy o' fame than wot she is. There's lots of us ladies
around the world wot still ain't got the roight ter vote. So jus' fink o'
Emmeline Pankhurst all yew ladies wot do 'ave the roight, next toime yew go out
ter vote fer yer president or yer parliamentary representative.
Luv from Jenno.
By the way, Oi visited Emmeline's statue once
wiv Peter, when we went up ter Lunnon tergevver. Yew c'n read about it, if'n
yew loike, in chapter 19 o' "Gang Petition"
( Vote well...
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