Jennospot 84 Halloween
"Now it is the time of
night that the graves, all gaping wide, everyone lets forth his sprite, in the
churchway paths to glide."
There's some people in moi village o'
Widdlin'ton wot won't never go through the churchyard at night, never moind at
Halloween. But Peter won sixpence in a bet wiv Selena over that. Cripes, 'ee
nearly died o' fright a-doin' it. It were in a good cause though, 'cos 'ee
needed the money urgent loike ter go ter Lunnon.
Any'ow, all that's by the way, 'cos Oi wanted
ter tell yew about Halloween, wot's the evenin' afore All Saints' Day. In the
real old days, this were the eve o' the end of the year, an' they used ter
light big bonfires on top o' the 'ills ter scare away the evil spirits. An'
then the souls of all them wot were dead, c'd come back an' visit their 'omes.
Any'ow, them wot couldn't go up the 'ill would
barricade themselves inside their 'ouses, wot didn't do much good, 'cos them
sprites wot c'd get out o' their graves, wouldn't 'ave no trouble at all comin'
down the chimney or through the key'ole, if'n yew see wot Oi mean. So if'n
somebody come a-knockin' on the door in the dark, yew couldn't never know
wevver it were a neighbour or a sprite. Cripes, it moight even be yer long dead,
great, great, great gran'muvver, an' yew wouldn't want ter turn 'er away, would
yew? So ter be on the safe side, if somebody come a-knockin', yew'd give 'em a
treat so's they wouldn't do yew no 'arm.
Well, kids ain't stupid, so they latched on
ter this, an' went around in disguise a-knockin' on people's doors fer
"trick or treat"; wot ain't such a bad idea when yew come ter fink of
it. An' not only that, they was safe from all them 'orrible sprites etc, 'cos
their disguises were so terrifyin' that they would scare the very Devil
'imself. See wot Oi mean…?
Any'ow, 'ave yerself a safe an 'appy
'Alloween, booooooh,
Wiv luv from Jenno
By the way, if'n yew'd loike ter know more
about that sixpence wot Peter won, yew c'n read about it in "Gang
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