Jennospot 96 Jenno's Gangs Rampaging

the book is out an' rampagin' around now. Leastways, if'n it ain't rampagin',
it jolly well ought ter be, 'cos it ain't ev'ry day where yew get a whole lot
o' village gangs all tergevver under one cover, so ter speak. Cripes, there's
enough rough stuff goin' on where they're separated inter their territories,
never moind when they're squashed tergevver in a little book.
more, it ain't moi fault if some of 'em don't get along. People are jus' loike
that: They're perfec'ly able not ter loike one anovver fer no good reason at
all. But when yew fink that in Widdlin'ton there are lots o' real good reaons
fer not getting' along― well wot c'n yew expect…?
if'n yew'd loike ter know a bit more about all that, yew c'd take a look at moi
book "Jenno's Gangs" (even though P St J 'as put 'is noime on the cover).
It only costs 99 cents, wot ain't dear seein' as 'ow it's got lots o' pictures
in it.
on Smashwords (cripes, makes me fink o' people arguin' over a traffic
collision). All yew got ter do is jus' click on
an' then yew c'n be rampagin' along wiv the best of 'em.
from Jenno…
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