62 Spring's A-Doin'
is sprung, the grass is riz. Oi wonder where the birdies is?". Yeah, well,
cripes, it weren't me wot wrote that, though Oi must say, it c'd've been.
Any'ow, wot Oi wanted ter say is, that it's officially springtoime now, wot is
okay wiv me, 'cos it means that the weavver's goin' ter get better; leastways,
Oi 'ope it is, 'cos Oi've already taken the snow runners off Emmeline P, an'
put 'er wheels back on. It would be super ter race 'er down the 'ill at Akron,
wiv the All-American Soapbox Derby, but that ain't no more than moi fantastic
dream. Still an' all, it's important ter dream, don't yew fink?
wot's important starts wiv a dream. An' then the dreamer finks about it, an'
finks about it, until 'ee or she says: "Cripes, that's enough dreamin',
an' finkin', an' a-finkin': now Oi'm goin' ter start a-doin', so's Oi c'n see
moi dream 'appenin'."
know wot Oi reckon? Oi reckon that all the winter, Nature 'as been a-dreamin',
an' then when it starts warmin' up a bit, Nature gets ter finkin', an' a-finkin',
till all of a sudden it's spring. That's the moment when Nature springs up an'
gets a-doin'.
yerself an 'appy springtoime wiv lotsa good fings a-doin'.
Luv from
P.S. Don't ferget moi e-book, "Jenno's
Widdlin'ton". It's free:
An' then there's Peter St John's website:
Yew c'n go there if'n yew loike. It’s not
bad, ‘cos it’s got moi picture an’ ovver interesting stuff, but it’s less
important, that’s all. Besides, 'is books ain't free, loike wot mine is…
Really Great to see that!